wooden broom handles, wood mop handles, shovel wood handles, china suppliers, manufacturers
wooden broom handles, wood mop handles, shovel wood handles, china suppliers, manufacturers
wood handles are manufactured from 100% hardwood, like Eucalyptus. Pinewood, Weed tree, or Other
hard wood per your requests.
1、Threadedend broom handle,MOP handle and shovel handle; Standard thread.
2、Taperedend broom mop and shovel handle. Precison cut tapered ends;
threaded end broom mop and shovel handle.
5、woodenbroom handles with plastic threaded end. Super-tough black nylon plastic
standard threaded end.
6、MOPwooden handles with plastic threaded end. Super-tough black nylon plastic
standard threaded end.
7、Woodshovel handles with plastic threaded end.